JCI World Congress in Tallinn

Every year all Jaycees around the world gather at the World Congress. This year the World Congress came close and it was held in Tallinn in Estonia and the congress was arranged in collaboration with JCI Finland. 

During the World Congress week there was opportunity to participate in quality trainings, hackathons and listen to keynote speakers such as Robin Sharma (5 am club), Kersti Kaljulaid (president of Estonia) and hear business stories for example from Bolt (Estonian Uber). 

Highlights of the social program was Opening Ceremony in Saku Grand Hall, Global Village, Japan Night and Farewell Gala. In the Global Village all the member countries displayed their traditional foods and drinks in expo hall and you could literally walk around the globe. 

Between the all Finnish chapters JCI United had the most members as a percentage participating in World Congress. 

Next year the World Congress will be in Japan.